Starts Here

Project that will help you and those that surround you grow beyond your limits! 

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We aim to bring the best out of you in game and in real life!

It has always been our motto, that in order for a player to grow in game, he also needs to commit to improving himself in real life!
There is no shortcut, but you'll reap the benefits if you put in the work! 

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Who we are

We are a series of gamers and professionals in different areas, that will help you achieve your goals, by working with you and everything around you.

We will dedicate our time to you, so we can help you walk the path to reach your objectives, no matter what they are! 

We are constantly building a bigger and better team in order to provide more results to you

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No matter the game, we will help you achieve your goals by coaching you.

Personal development

We will help you also achieve your objectives IRL, no matter if related to gaming or not.

Individual and team coaching

Want to achieve more? Are you stuck? Come on talk to us, we will help you push forward.

About us


Our founder learnt his main professional skill due to gaming alongside other soft skills due to gaming and if he can, we all can. 

So our aim with this project is to bring evolution and personal development for you as a person as a gamer and maybe even help your family understand that there is no need for online gaming to be taboo and not a valid career choice!

Drop us a message or follow us on your preferred social media platform!

our integrated services

grounding and organization

So we can help you focus and prioritize your tasks for better success

Online & in loco

We will work with you online or face to face(limited to coaches locations) 
so you can achieve your goals

social media

We will help you work with your social media, so you can draw attention to your content!


Mens Sana in Corpore Sano 
One can't exist without the other in high performant environments

constant support

We will support you throughout your hardest challenges and coach you to overcome them.

Goal oriented

We will always push you to achieve your goals!

Our Project

To bring Ethical & Responsible gaming to you and all that surround you! 

Ethical & Responsible gaming

Our Process

We will coach for performance and for development.

  • Goal Setting

    We will work with you to define and set your goals.

  • Organization

    We will help you grasp the ropes and coach you to do it by yourself.

  • Open Discussion

    We will maintain open discussions and conversations on any related topic.

  • Support

    We will always be a call away, when you have obstacles to go through.

    our Blog


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    All times based on GMT (London, Dublin, Lisbon timezone)


    Our Offices

    We believe in remote work for most our services.

    Email Address